
Retaining a Title IX Lawyer

Retaining a Title IX Lawyer

In the United States, the law known as title 9 attorney requires schools that receive federal funds to investigate reports of sexual violence, including assault, harassment, rape, etc. The federal Office for Civil Rights is the agency responsible for monitoring compliance with Title IX, and it has twelve regional offices located throughout the country. Originally passed as part of a wider effort to provide equal access to facilities and education programs to both men and women, Title IX has expanded over the years to include the notion that any form of sexual misconduct could prevent a student from participating in or benefiting from an educational program.

Does Title IX apply to West Point?

Whether you have been accused of sexual assault, harassment, unwanted advances or touching, stalking, sexting, or any other type of campus misdemeanor, it is critical to retain the services of a title ix lawyer as soon as possible. Your attorney will be able to defend your reputation and ensure you are treated fairly in the course of the investigation and hearing.

A title ix defense lawyer will have the skills and knowledge to guide you through a hearing process that often includes an interview with a university investigator and other witnesses. Your attorney will make sure the panel hears all of the evidence gathered, and they will be able to challenge any inferences or biases that may have been overlooked by investigators.

A good title ix attorney will also be able to establish a record for future civil litigation against the college if you are unsatisfied with the outcome of the disciplinary proceedings. Giordano Law Offices can help you navigate this complex area of the law with savvy and experienced representation.

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