
Detecting Vape Use Effectively at Schools

Detecting Vape Use Effectively at Schools

Detecting Vape Use Effectively

Detecting Vape Use Effectively a time when students are increasingly choosing to vape over smoke cigarettes, the need to prevent this behavior on school grounds becomes even more critical. Vapes are handheld devices that produce an aerosol that can be inhaled. They typically heat a liquid that contains nicotine and other toxins to create the aerosol. Nicotine is known to be particularly dangerous to adolescent brain development. This makes schools a perfect location for students to use e-cigarettes, especially since they can hide in stairwells, restrooms, stage areas, alcoves and locker rooms where it’s difficult to spot them with live supervision.

Clearing the Air: Strategies for Detecting Vape Use Effectively

Unlike traditional smoke detectors, which can be easily tricked by masking with cologne or other aerosols, vape sensors monitor for the chemical signature of the device and its vapor. These sensors work even when students try to mask their devices with plastic bodies and metal coils.

With sensor alerts paired with video evidence on a unified security platform, administrators can make informed decisions in seconds to quickly address the issue and prevent student vaping at schools. This eliminates the need to rely on assumptions and human bias when addressing incidents, which helps keep investigations free from wrongful accusations.

Besides schools, vape detectors are widely used in healthcare facilities to maintain clean air quality and promote a healthy and distraction-free working environment for patients. Retail stores and hotels deploy them to enforce no-vaping policies for their customers’ safety and well-being.

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