A New Netflix Series Could Lead to a Legal Shroomies Canada Market
The psychedelics industry is optimistic that a new Netflix series will spur more interest in the still-illegal drugs. But what are the actual prospects for a legal market to buy and sell mushrooms? And who’s behind the lawsuit that could actually bring about change? In this week’s episode of The Dose, VICE News looks at the people who are trying to make it happen.
The owner of a small shroomies canada | CanadaShrooms store in Winnipeg wants to be the first legally licensed seller in the country. His customers include people with conditions like PTSD, cluster headaches and sleeping disorders. He’s hoping that bigger investors in the psychedelics sector will see the business potential. He’s also banking on the fact that psilocybin, when used in smaller doses, can treat mental health problems.
Shroomies Canada: A Closer Look at the Popular Psychedelic Brand
But he’s facing a looming regulatory nightmare. In Canada, psilocybin is considered a Schedule III drug. That means it can only be sold under a minister’s exemption, in clinical trials or through the Special Access Program for physicians who petition for drugs that aren’t available on the open market.
But there’s a psilocybin loophole. Spores are not considered a controlled substance under the law, and they can be bought openly. But once they germinate and grow into a full-grown mushroom, that’s when they become a Schedule III drug. And if the federal government starts to prosecute stores selling them, it could set a dangerous precedent. That’s why he’s trying to take legal action before the loophole closes.